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Architecture of the Five Arenas Leadership Framework


Five Arenas is focused on generating high-impact leadership through the development and application of effective leadership practices. Leadership practices are defined as the things leaders should do. The Five Arenas Leadership Framework is a comprehensive, practical, and pragmatic model of high-impact leadership practices. The practices in the Five Arenas Leadership Framework assist leaders to meet their challenges while influencing and enabling people to accomplish purpose (for more on this see the article: Building the Five Arenas Leadership Framework.)


The Five Arenas Leadership Framework has an easy-to-understand cascading structure:

  • Each of 5 Main ARENAS of leadership contains several KEY PRACTICES,
  • Each KEY PRACTICE has several linked COMPONENTS,
  • Each COMPONENT consists of several FOCUS AREAS where applicable.
Structure of the Five Arenas Leadership Framework showing how it cascades from Arena, to Key Practice, to Components, to focus Areas

This structure allows organisations, leadership coaches / trainers, and individual leaders to prioritise development at the arena, key practice, component or focus area level dependent on organisation priorities and individual development needs.


To further assist leaders, the Five Arenas Leadership Framework is expressed in practical terminology of ‘what the leader must do’ at the arena, key practice, and component level. This assists the leader to immediately understand the core of a particular topic.

5 Main Arenas

Within the Five Arenas Leadership Framework there are 5 main arenas that all leaders need to be proficient in:

  • Intrapersonal LeadershipNurture and Strengthen the Self
  • Directional LeadershipCreate and Guide the Effort
  • Managerial LeadershipExecute and Deliver Results
  • Interactional LeadershipEngage and Develop Your People
  • Transformational LeadershipInnovate and Change the Future
Copyright: Five Arenas Limited.

No arena is more important than another, but a person’s role and leadership function, what we call SOLA (for Scope of Leadership Accountability), will likely mean varied emphasis in each of the five arenas.

18 Key Practices

There are 18 KEY PRACTICES of leadership within the five main ARENAS. Each of the 18 key practices also has several linked components and focus areas as applicable.

18 key practice of leadership linked to the Five Arenas Leadership Framework
Copyright: Five Arenas Limited.

In total, the 5 arenas, 18 key practices, and their related components and focus areas are comprehensive and inclusive of all foundational and cutting-edge leadership thinking.

Structure Cascade – Example

Shaded in green below is an example of how the Five Arenas Leadership Framework architecture cascades:

  • 1 Arena: Directional Leadership
    • 1 Key Practice of Directional Leadership: Provide Meaning and Vision
      • 1 Component of Provide Meaning and Vision: Clarify DNA
        • 3 Focus Areas of Clarify DNA: Differentiators, Guiding principles and Values, Core Competencies


The Five Arenas Leadership Framework provides a comprehensive, practical, and pragmatic model of leadership practices. The cascading structure facilitates learning as leaders can concentrate on development priorities without ignoring the big picture.

The Five Arenas Leadership Framework and associated tools (assessments and development resources) is used to:

  • Orientate leaders to the totality of their leadership role and what is required for high-impact
  • Assess the current state of leadership practice and prioritise development – this can be done at individual, team, department, or organisation level
  • Conduct targeted leadership development without losing sight of the larger context
  • Connect strategic and operational priorities to the specific leadership practices and behaviours that address these priorities
  • Align leadership culture and practice throughout the organisation

The Five Arenas Leadership Framework comprehensively covers the leadership ‘ingredients’ needed for leaders to meet their challenges while influencing and enabling people to accomplish purpose. (for more on this, see the article, “Building the Five Arenas Framework”.

Contact Five Arenas for more info on how you can use our framework and associated tools and resources in your organisation or leadership development business.

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